一个GCC是一个展示我们每个人为促进校园包容性卓越所做的工作的活动. Are you mentoring ONE underrepresented student or a new employee? 你是在课程中使用更多文化主题的材料,还是在材料中扩大有色人种的视觉表现? 你和你的同事正在参加众多文化能力专业发展机会中的一个吗? Are you a student embracing inclusion and making new friends?
如果有,请 在脸谱网上关注我们 and share the wonderful things that you are doing. 还记得, even though we are individually unique and special, we are all here to form ONE supportive and inclusive educational community.
Genesee Community College is committed to celebrating diversity, 确保公平, and creating an environment where all of our students, 教师, 员工感到被重视和被包容. With a promise to focus on these efforts, one of the five priorities of our 战略计划(2023-2028) 是“培育一个尊重和重视全球公民和社会正义的社区?. 在所有努力中加强我们对多元化、公平、包容和健康的承诺.” The specific objectives we hope to achieve are as follows:
核心目标3.1: Expand current efforts to increase recruitment, 保留, 就业, and success of underrepresented populations within the college community.
核心目标3.2: 通过扩大相互理解的机会,营造一种归属感的环境, 拥抱, and celebrate our individual differences.
核心目标3.3: 评估和改进支持校园社区健康的服务.
包容性卓越委员会(IEC)(以前称为多元化委员会)由教师自愿成员组成, 工作人员, and students who seek to support and promote diversity, 股本, 以及大学的包容性倡议. It was created by Joanna Barefoot in 2011, with her dream of opening a multicultural resource center on campus.
If you would like to join the 包容性卓越委员会 or request 资源, 请与玛德琳reichl联系 mereichler@makananbeku.net.
在杰纳西社区学院, 我们认识到,拥有一个让人感到安全和舒适的浴室对我们的许多学生来说是非常重要的. 2021年,纽约州立大学的一项政策宣布,纽约州立大学校园内的所有公共单人浴室必须指定为性别中立. GCC’s 巴达维亚 campus has five all-gender bathrooms. One can be found in the lobby of the Stuart Steiner Theatre, 一个在健康中心, one on each floor of the 学生成功中心, 还有一个在理查德C. 电话领域.
“门户开放实习项目”是一个为期一个学期的项目,旨在为来自历史上代表性不足的社区的专业人士提供探索大学教学水平的机会. 一旦被录取, individuals will receive their own class, 全额兼职工资, and an experienced mentor to help guide their first semester teaching. 如果你喜欢在社区大学教育工作的想法,并希望通过你自己的经验和专业知识来授权学生, 我们希望你能考虑这个机会!
- Must be a member of a historically underrepresented population.
- 硕士学位或相关领域的硕士学位.
- 理想的候选人对高等教育表现出强烈的兴趣,并对其学术领域拥有丰富的知识. 他们必须与学生和同事进行有效的互动和沟通(口头和书面),并愿意接受技术. 这个人一定很友好, 热情的团队合作者,具有强烈的职业道德,并表现出对多样性和学生发展理论实践的承诺
要被考虑,申请人必须通过网站上列出的门户开放项目职位申请 就业机会网站. Interested individuals should submit a letter of interest, 简历或简历, 还有名字, 地址, and telephone numbers of three references, 还有你的成绩单复印件. If hired, official transcripts must be submitted to the 人力资源 Office.
If you have questions regarding this opportunity or the status of your application, 请与人力资源部联系 hr@makananbeku.net or (585) 345-6808.